[Zero-knowledge ESP8266 tutorial] Quick Start 17 Station mode creates a wifi hotspot
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In the last sharing, we have used the software library to scan nearby WiFi. Next, we need to use the ZeroKnow ESP8266WiFi module to create a WiFi hotspot. I.
mode, also called site mode;
②Soft-Access Point mode, also called Soft-AP mode, can be understood as WiFi hotspot mode;
the above two collection modes, Station and Soft-Access Point, are also the basis for the implementation of Mesh NetWork;
2. Next, we also create a connection to an access point (wifi hotspot) on our ZeroKnowledge Open Source and print the station information.
(1) Open the ZeroKnowledge Open Source Development Tool
(2) Connect the computer to the ESP8266WIFI module
(3) Burn the following code
* statin模式下,创建一个连接到可接入点(wifi热点),并且打印station信息
* @author 云上上云
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=311857]@date[/url] 2019/06/01
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#define AP_SSID "**********" //这里改成你的wifi名字
#define AP_PSW "**********" //这里改成你的wifi密码
#define DebugBegin(baud_rate) Serial.begin(baud_rate)
#define DebugPrintln(message) Serial.println(message)
#define DebugPrint(message) Serial.print(message)
void setup(){
//延时2s 为了演示效果
DebugPrintln("Setup start");
WiFi.begin(AP_SSID, AP_PSW);
DebugPrint(String("Connecting to ")+AP_SSID);
//笔者扩展:加入网络一直都连不上 是否可以做个判断,由你们自己实现
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
DebugPrintln("rint Network Info:");
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){
DebugPrintln(String("Connected, mac address: ")+WiFi.macAddress().c_str());
//输出station IP地址,这里的IP地址由DHCP分配
DebugPrintln(String("Connected, IP address: ")+WiFi.localIP().toString());
DebugPrintln(String("Subnet mask: ")+WiFi.subnetMask().toString());
//输出网关 IP地址
DebugPrintln(String("Gataway IP: ")+WiFi.gatewayIP().toString());
DebugPrintln(String("Default hostname: ")+WiFi.hostname());
DebugPrintln(String("New hostname: ")+WiFi.hostname());
DebugPrintln(String("SSID: ")+WiFi.SSID());
DebugPrintln(String("psk: ")+WiFi.psk());
DebugPrintln(String("BSSID: ")+WiFi.BSSIDstr());
DebugPrintln(String("RSSI: ") + WiFi.RSSI() + " dBm");
DebugPrintln("Setup End");
void loop() {
(4) Verify the code, upload the program, and start debugging
3. After connecting to WiFi, the results are as follows