It is rare to see information about how to send a frame of data in an interrupt mode. If you send a data frame in a waiting mode, it will waste time for a high-speed microcontroller. The following is a method of sending a data frame in an interrupt mode. The operating platform uses 51 MCU.
First, define a data frame structure, which can be used as a global variable. All transmissions must pass through this structure:
struct {
char busy_falg; //Busy flag, if set to 1 when sending data, that is, set to 1 at the beginning of sending and set to 0 at the end of sending
int index; //Index, pointing to the location where the array needs to be sent
int length; //The length of the entire data frame
char *buf; //Points to the data frame to be sent. It is recommended to be a global variable. Otherwise, once the sending starts, you must wait until the sending is completed, that is, judge that busy_flag is 0
} send_buf;
The function for sending data has a disadvantage, that is, it still needs to use while to detect whether the serial port is busy, but this is much better than taking up system time to send:
//Send a frame
void SendBuf(char *buf,int length)
while(busy_falg); //Check if the sending is busy, otherwise wait in a loop
send_buf.length = length;
send_buf.index = 0;
send_buf.buf = buf;
send_buf.busy_flag = 1;
SBUF = send_buf.buf[0]; //Write to SBUF, start sending, and then automatically enter interrupt sending
Serial port interrupt sending function, pay attention to setting the idle flag to avoid calling the same structure for multiple sending frames during multi-tasking:
void SerialInt() interrupt 4 //Serial port interrupt
if(RI == 1) //Serial port receiving
RI = 0;
else if(TI == 1) //Serial port sends
TI = 0;
if(send_buf.index == send_buf.length)
send_buf.busy_falg = 0; //Sending is finished
SBUF = send_buf.buf[send_buf.index]; //Continue to send the next
Serial port interrupt sending is as simple as this. Pay attention to the use of busy_flag and index.