ON Semiconductor has introduced the NB4N507A, the first device in a family of fully integrated phase-locked loop (PLL) integrated circuits (ICs) designed to replace expensive crystals to generate clocks in a variety of consumer and networking applications. ON
Semiconductor's NB4N507A is a high-performance silicon PLL with jitter performance comparable to crystals, but with much greater design flexibility, lower total cost, and significantly shorter lead times. With an accuracy of 100 parts per million (ppm), the NB4N507A is a better replacement for crystals with stability comparable to that of crystals.
The NB4N507A generates clock signals from a low-cost reference crystal with a frequency range from 50MHz to 200MHz. Its maximum root mean square (RMS) period jitter is less than 10ps. The NB4N507A is fully configurable. For example, in a system, a device can be used to generate different frequencies and can also be reused in future designs, regardless of changes in timing requirements. In addition, because the manufacturing process of silicon-based ICs (such as NB4N507A) is much simpler, its cost is lower and the lead time is greatly shortened.
NB4N507A adopts 16-pin SOIC package and the reference price of 1k quantity is $1.50.