"Playing with the Board" + Replaying MicroPython on the STM32F7DISC (2)[Copy link]
This post was last edited by dcexpert on 2020-2-17 15:48
After writing the new firmware, you can experience the LCD and touch screen. The large screen with touch function is a major feature of STM32F7DISC. Many people were fascinated by it back then, and this is also the main reason for using it again this time.
To test the LCD first, you need to load the lcdF7D library before you can use the LCD function.
import lcdF7D as lcd
Secondly, you need to initialize the LCD
Then you can draw lines, circles, etc. Here are some main functions:
clear(color), clear the entire screen
color with color color is defined as
If empty, use the color defined in set_text_color
If it is a number, it is in the form of 0xRRGGBB
If there are two numbers, the first one represents Alpha, and the second one is the same as above.
If it is 3 numbers, they represent R, G, and B components respectively, and Alpha is fixed to 255
If it is 4 numbers, they represent A, R, G, and B respectively.
set_text_color(color), set the foreground color
set_back_color(color), set the background color
draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2), draw a straight line
draw_Hline(x, y, len), draw a horizontal line
draw_Vline(x, y, len), draw a vertical line
draw_rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), draw a hollow rectangle
fill_rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), draw a solid rectangle
draw_circle(x, y, r), draw a circle
set_font(n), set the font size, valid sizes are 8/12/16/20/24
display_char(x, y, asc), displays the character at x, y
display_string_at(x, y, string, mode), display string
Complete testing program
from time import sleep_ms, ticks_ms, ticks_diff
import pyb, machine
from random import randrange as rand
import lcdF7D as lcd
import tchF7D as ts
MAX_X = 480
MAX_Y = 272
ts.init(MAX_X, MAX_Y)
def test_rand_line(n = 5000, delay = 1):
lcd.display_string_at(0, 0, 'line test' ,0)
t0 = ticks_ms()
for i in range(n):
lcd.set_text_color(rand(0xFF), rand(0xFFFFFF))
lcd.draw_line(rand(MAX_X), rand(MAX_Y), rand(MAX_X), rand(MAX_Y))
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)
def test_rand_rect(n = 2000, delay = 1):
lcd.display_string_at(0, 0, 'rect test' ,0)
t0 = ticks_ms()
for i in range(n):
lcd.set_text_color(rand(0xFF), rand(0xFFFFFF))
x, y = rand(MAX_X), rand(MAX_Y)
lcd.draw_rect(x, y, rand(MAX_X - x), rand(MAX_Y - y))
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)
def test_rand_fillrect(n = 2000, delay = 1):
lcd.display_string_at(0, 0, 'fill rect test' ,0)
t0 = ticks_ms()
for i in range(n):
lcd.set_text_color(rand(0xFF), rand(0xFFFFFF))
x, y = rand(MAX_X), rand(MAX_Y)
lcd.fill_rect(x, y, rand(MAX_X - x), rand(MAX_Y - y))
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)
def test_gradient(c1=0, c2=0xff, dir=0):
def cr(x1, x2, i, n):
return int(x1 + i*(x2-x1)/n)
r1, g1, b1 = c1>>16, (c1>>8)%256, c1%256
r2, g2, b2 = c2>>16, (c2>>8)%256, c2%256
if dir == 0:
for i in range(MAX_X):
r = cr(r1, r2, i, MAX_X)
g = cr(g1, g2, i, MAX_X)
b = cr(b1, b2, i, MAX_X)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Vline(i, 0, MAX_Y)
elif dir == 1:
for i in range(MAX_Y):
r = cr(r1, r2, i, MAX_Y)
g = cr(g1, g2, i, MAX_Y)
b = cr(b1, b2, i, MAX_Y)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Hline(0, i, MAX_X)
elif dir == 2:
for i in range(MAX_X):
r = cr(r2, r1, i, MAX_X)
g = cr(g2, g1, i, MAX_X)
b = cr(b2, b1, i, MAX_X)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Vline(i, 0, MAX_Y)
for i in range(MAX_Y):
r = cr(r2, r1, i, MAX_Y)
g = cr(g2, g1, i, MAX_Y)
b = cr(b2, b1, i, MAX_Y)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Hline(0, i, MAX_X)
def test_rand_char(n = 2000, font = 12, delay = 1):
if font > 20: _w, _h = 17, 24,
elif font > 16: _w, _h = 14, 20
elif font > 12: _w, _h = 11, 16
elif font > 8: _w, _h = 7, 12
else: _w, _h = 5, 8
mx, my = MAX_X//_w, MAX_Y//_h
for i in range(n):
lcd.display_char(rand(mx) * _w, rand(my) * _h, rand(95)+32)
def test_rand_pchar(n = 2000, font = 12, delay = 5):
if font > 20: _w, _h = 17, 24,
elif font > 16: _w, _h = 14, 20
elif font > 12: _w, _h = 11, 16
elif font > 8: _w, _h = 7, 12
else: _w, _h = 5, 8
mx, my = MAX_X//_w, MAX_Y//_h
px, py = 0, 0
for i in range(n):
lcd.display_char(px * _w, py * _h, rand(95)+32)
px += 1
if px >= mx:
px, py = 0, py + 1
if py >= my:
py = my - 1
lcd.scroll(0, -_h)
lcd.fill_rect(0, MAX_Y - _h, MAX_X-1, MAX_Y-1)
def test_rand_gradient(n = 20, delay = 500):
for i in range(n):
test_gradient(rand(0xFFFFFF), rand(0xFFFFFF), rand(4))
pal = [i%256 for i in range(MAX_ITER)]
def test_mandelbrot(x0 = -2.5, y0 = -2, x1 = 1.5, y1 = 2, ITER = MAX_ITER, RandPAL = 1):
def calc(c):
z = 0
for i in range(ITER):
z = z * z + c
if abs(z) > 4:
return i
return ITER-1
if RandPAL:
global pal
pal = [rand(0xFFFFFF) for i in range(MAX_ITER)]
t0 = ticks_ms()
dx = (x1 - x0)/MAX_X
dy = (y1 - y0)/MAX_Y
for ix in range(MAX_X):
for iy in range(MAX_Y):
z = x0 + dx * ix + (y0 + dy * iy) * 1j
c = calc(z)
lcd.draw_pixel(ix, iy, pal[c%ITER])
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)
def test_fast_mandelbrot(x0 = -2.5, y0 = -2, x1 = 1.5, y1 = 2, ITER = MAX_ITER, RandPAL = 1):
def calc(c):
z = 0
for i in range(ITER):
z = z * z + c
if abs(z) > 4:
return i
return ITER-1
if RandPAL:
global pal
pal = [rand(0xFFFFFF) for i in range(MAX_ITER)]
t0 = ticks_ms()
dx = (x1 - x0)/MAX_X
dy = (y1 - y0)/MAX_Y
c = [0]*16
for ix in range(MAX_X//4):
for iy in range(MAX_Y//4):
c = [0]*16
z = x0 + dx * ix * 4 + (y0 + dy * iy * 4) * 1j
c[0] = calc(z)
c[3] = calc(z + dx*3)
c[12] = calc(z + dy*3j)
c[15] = calc(z + dx*3 + dy*3j)
if c[0] == c[3] and c[0] == c[12] and c[0] == c[15]:
lcd.fill_rect(ix*4, iy*4, 4, 4)
for i in range(16):
if c[i] == 0:
c[i] = calc(z + dx*(i%4) + dy*(i//4)*1j)
lcd.draw_pixel(ix*4+(i%4), iy*4+(i//4), pal[c[i]%ITER])
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)
def lcd_test():
test_rand_char(font = 8)
test_rand_char(font = 12)
test_rand_char(font = 16)
test_rand_char(font = 20)
test_rand_char(font = 24)
test_rand_pchar(font = rand(32))
Be careful not to exceed the screen range when drawing, otherwise it may cause buffer overflow and even system reset.
Alpha channels cannot be directly superimposed onto previous images.
This content is originally created by dcexpert , a user of EEWORLD forum. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the source
Background gradient display test, calculate the gradient color of two colors, and then use draw_Hline or draw_Vline to draw lines to fill the screen
def test_gradient(c1=0, c2=0xff, dir=0):
def cr(x1, x2, i, n):
return int(x1 + i*(x2-x1)/n)
r1, g1, b1 = c1>>16, (c1>>8)%256, c1%256
r2, g2, b2 = c2>>16, (c2>>8)%256, c2%256
if dir == 0:
for i in range(MAX_X):
r = cr(r1, r2, i, MAX_X)
g = cr(g1, g2, i, MAX_X)
b = cr(b1, b2, i, MAX_X)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Vline(i, 0, MAX_Y)
elif dir == 1:
for i in range(MAX_Y):
r = cr(r1, r2, i, MAX_Y)
g = cr(g1, g2, i, MAX_Y)
b = cr(b1, b2, i, MAX_Y)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Hline(0, i, MAX_X)
elif dir == 2:
for i in range(MAX_X):
r = cr(r2, r1, i, MAX_X)
g = cr(g2, g1, i, MAX_X)
b = cr(b2, b1, i, MAX_X)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Vline(i, 0, MAX_Y)
for i in range(MAX_Y):
r = cr(r2, r1, i, MAX_Y)
g = cr(g2, g1, i, MAX_Y)
b = cr(b2, b1, i, MAX_Y)
lcd.set_text_color(r, g, b)
lcd.draw_Hline(0, i, MAX_X)
def test_fast_mandelbrot(x0 = -2.5, y0 = -2, x1 = 1.5, y1 = 2, ITER = MAX_ITER, RandPAL = 1):
def calc(c):
z = 0
for i in range(ITER):
z = z * z + c
if abs(z) > 4:
return i
return ITER-1
if RandPAL:
global pal
pal = [rand(0xFFFFFF) for i in range(MAX_ITER)]
t0 = ticks_ms()
dx = (x1 - x0)/MAX_X
dy = (y1 - y0)/MAX_Y
c = [0]*16
for ix in range(MAX_X//4):
for iy in range(MAX_Y//4):
c = [0]*16
z = x0 + dx * ix * 4 + (y0 + dy * iy * 4) * 1j
c[0] = calc(z)
c[3] = calc(z + dx*3)
c[12] = calc(z + dy*3j)
c[15] = calc(z + dx*3 + dy*3j)
if c[0] == c[3] and c[0] == c[12] and c[0] == c[15]:
lcd.fill_rect(ix*4, iy*4, 4, 4)
for i in range(16):
if c[i] == 0:
c[i] = calc(z + dx*(i%4) + dy*(i//4)*1j)
lcd.draw_pixel(ix*4+(i%4), iy*4+(i//4), pal[c[i]%ITER])
return ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t0)