• Duration:39 minutes and 10 seconds
  • Date:2017/03/19
  • Uploader:老白菜

Episode 1 CCS installation and building the first helloworld program

Episode 2 Getting Started - LED Flashing Experiment

Episode 3: Use of universal timer, watchdog wdt experiment

Episode 4: Timer experiment using universal timers

Episode 5 Interrupt Software Programming External Interrupt Experiment

Episode 6 Digital Signal Processing FIR and IIR Filter Experiments

Episode 7 External Memory Interface SDRAM Experiment

Episode 8 External memory interface + keyboard scanning experiment

Episode 9 I2C usage + AIC23 digital echo experiment

Episode 10 UART Communication Experiment (1) Use and Configuration of McBSP

Episode 11 UART communication experiment (2) McBSP software simulates asynchronous communication

Episode 12 RTC real-time clock experiment

Lecture 13 Digital Image Processing (1)

Lecture 14 Digital Image Processing (2)

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