It introduces the basic operation of the software, schematic design, CAE packaging, LAYOUT PCB design and PADS_ROUTER router. It also introduces quite a few design examples. Everyone is welcome to watch!
[align=left][size=3]1-6-2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Forward Transformer Switching Power Supply[/size][/align][align=left][size=3]In order to characterize the quality of various voltage or curre
[code]if(Rc_C.ARMED) LED_ON; //"LED_ON is a macro: #define LED_ON GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);", LED_OFF is alsoelseLED_OFF;[/code]Such a common statement actually reported an error, which made
There is no special timing requirement. HPI interface is a peripheral device of 2407, directly interfaced. DSP is used in the circuit. Sometimes when the reset signal is low, the voltage is also withi
Fixed CHANNEL, fixed PANID . Coordinator 5. The router has an antenna. The distance is too far, so I removed the antenna for testing. I found that the coordinator and the router should be very close w