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The production of several super bass circuits 01

Source: InternetPublisher:已注销 Keywords: Potentiometer BSP printed board Updated: 2021/12/10

19. Production of several super bass<strong>circuit</strong>s 01.gif

(l) Dynamic subwoofer circuit
    STDTD circuit is shown in Figure 9-36. This is an improved Aihua Ⅺ strong circuit. Connect it to both ends of the
volume potentiometer of the amplifier. The bass will increase with the volume. There is a 15-20dB improvement for bass sounds below 85Hz. The basic
circuit and connection method are: disconnect the signal line at the upper end of the volume potentiometer of the original amplifier and connect it to the IN end of the original circuit, so that the preamplifier
signal passes through Al to buffer the medium and high frequency signals and then is sent back to the original potentiometer. On the upper end WH, after the other path passes through the Butterworth filter composed of A2 and peripheral components
, the bass signal is then amplified by A3 and output to the center tap wo of the original potentiometer, changing R. The value of
can change the subwoofer component. The value of RO is 1/3 of the resistance value of the original
volume potentiometer. If the original potentiometer is
100kfl, it will be 33kn.
Connect another 1000~1f500pF capacitor to both ends of WH and wo in the circuit . This dynamic
control is equivalent to the circuit having equal loudness characteristics. Even at low
volumes, the treble is still delicate and the bass is deep and powerful. When making
, all leads should be kept as short as possible. If they are too long, shielded wire
ports are required. The power supply should be 12~15V that has been stabilized. If dual power supplies are used,
the effect will be better, but many changes will be made to the circuit and printed board
accordingly . This circuit is invalid for voltage-controlled volume methods
, such as TC9153, etc.




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