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  • Lecture 13
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  • Duration:38 minutes and 55 seconds
  • Date:2016/11/15
  • Uploader:量子阱
The basic theory, basic concepts, basic analysis methods, algorithms, and designs of digital signal processing are systematically discussed. The course consists of four parts. The first part is the basic concepts of discrete time signals (sequences) and systems and the analysis methods and algorithms of time domain and frequency domain (including z-transform domain), including discrete Fourier transform and its fast algorithm, and digital signal processing of analog signals. Principles and methods; the second part is the basic concepts, theories, structures and design methods of various IIR and FIR digital filters; the third part is the basic theory of multi-sampling rate digital signal processing; the fourth part is the implementation of digital signal processing Limited word length effect.

The supporting textbook "Digital Signal Processing Tutorial" by Tsinghua University Press is written by Cheng Peiqing.
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