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  • Tongji University FPGA course video (10)
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  • Duration:37 minutes and 14 seconds
  • Date:2016/09/14
  • Uploader:量子阱
This course consists of four parts:

The first part is the establishment of VHDL models of various basic digital logic circuits.

The second part is about learning how to design combinational logic circuits, control circuits, and sequential circuits using VHDL.

The third part is the hierarchical structure design of the system chip.

The fourth part is the development of programmable logic devices and the understanding of their structural characteristics.

Lectures by real famous teachers are humanized, just like sitting in a university classroom. Because it is a video tutorial, if you don't understand it for a moment during the lecture, you can watch it over and over again in reverse until you understand it. If you have studied halfway today and want to continue studying tomorrow, you can easily select your own learning progress by fast forwarding. You can work and study at the same time without having to pay expensive school fees and numerous exams.

Each video tutorial lasts approximately 45 minutes. Video teaching has images, sounds, and comes with clear blackboard writing
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