This is the world's lowest power consumption 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+-based ARM processor. It is designed for wearable applications (can support basic touch functions) and sensor networks for the Internet of Things. One battery can operate for up to ten years. This new ultra-low power consumption Atmel | SMART SAM L21 based on ARM Cortex-M0+ core MCU consumes only 3/1 of the power of similar solutions of its competitors, and can operate in active mode at a level below 35uA/MHz, retaining 32kB of flash memory and running at 900nA Real Time Clock. In the video, Atmel senior product manager Andreas Eieland demonstrates how to drive the SAM L21 through the Peltier Element using the body temperature of the palm of your hand, which is enough to adjust an audio file and transmit it to a nearby radio receiver with 1MHz AM amplitude modulation. This demonstrates the product highlight of SAM L21 - supporting ultra-low power consumption in active mode without limiting flash or SRAM size, making it absolutely suitable for IoT and other battery-driven applications that require embedded large-capacity memory.
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