• Duration:1 minutes and 57 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Course background:
Turing robot is based on DeepQA in-depth question and answer technology and is currently the most intelligent robot in the Chinese context. Turing Robot provides a free API port, easy access, supports multiple platforms and personalized settings. Through Turing Robot, you can easily build your own personalized intelligent robot on WeChat, Weibo, customer service system and other platforms.
Core content:
1. Build Android Wear development environment
2. Create Notification in Android Wear
3. Call Google speech recognition in Android Wear
4. Call and parse Turing robot API
5. Synchronize data between Android Wear and mobile phone
6. Create Google API Client
7. Use DataAPI to monitor changes in DataItem
Software environment: Eclipse, ADT
Course level: Elementary
Suitable for the crowd:
Developers with a certain Android foundation
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