• Duration:15 minutes and 9 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: Linux raspberry pie Camera
Course background:
Currently, many commercial products based on the visual capabilities of Raspberry Pi have appeared on the market, and the core of these products is the collection and subsequent processing of images/videos. Therefore, through the development of Raspberry Pi With some camera applications, we can lay the foundation for further implementation of complex Raspberry Pi vision systems.
Core content:
1. Use OpenCV/V4L2 to control the camera to collect images/videos on the Raspberry Pi
2. Use OpenCV to perform motion detection on the Raspberry Pi
3. Use the Face++ cloud service to perform facial recognition on the Raspberry Pi Face Recognition
4. Use OpenCV and Face++ cloud services for real-time face recognition on Raspberry Pi
Software environment: Arch Linux ARM
Course level: Elementary
Suitable for people: those
who have basic knowledge of Linux and are interested in geek toys people
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