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  • National Embedded Kernel Driver Advanced Class-5-5 (Kernel Anomaly Analysis)
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  • Duration:17 minutes and 33 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: Linux Embedded
Advanced class of national embedded Linux kernel driver.
Speaker: Guoembedded - is a group of embedded system engineers from the world's top communications and software companies. With the common pursuit of embedded technology, they came together and founded Chengdu Guoembedded Information Technology Co., Ltd. "Technology is the core competitiveness" and "making the most professional embedded training accessible to the masses" are the two core concepts of our development. We have the best embedded technology team and are committed to delivering first-class embedded technologies (such as embedded Linux, Symbian, Android) and the industry's most advanced project management methods (such as Agile, Scrum) to all embedded enthusiasts .

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