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  • Duration:36 minutes and 9 seconds
  • Date:2024/12/16
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: FPGA
This set of video tutorials is an original video tutorial by ALINX based on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC series FPGA. The content includes five parts: bare metal development, Linux basic development, Linux driver development, Vitis HLS development, and Vitis AI development. It details the development content of each part of the MPSoc series FPGA chip. The video is based on the FPGA development board independently designed by ALINX. It combines theory with practice so that everyone can fully understand the development ideas. At the same time, it is close to the project and demonstrates mainstream technologies, such as the application of artificial intelligence AI, vehicle recognition, pedestrian detection, PCB defect detection, construction site safety helmet detection, flame detection, office target recognition, thermal imaging ADAS vehicle detection, concrete defect detection, etc., giving full play to the flexibility, high performance, low latency, high reliability and other characteristics of the MPSoc series FPGA chips.

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