After a whole afternoon of tinkering, I ran all the peripherals that might be used.Basically, they are GPIO, timers, serial ports, buttons, etc.I will also find examples to play with AD.1. LEDis very
[i=s] This post was last edited by elec32156 on 2017-11-3 10:04 [/i] As shown in the figure, it is the parameter specification of the light sensor. Different currents are output under different lighti
[backcolor=rgb(238, 238, 238)][size=14px][font=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif][size=12px]I saw an article on the Internet, and excerpted an interesting passage: [/size][/font][/size][/backcolor
There are two PCBs in the 86 box, one is the display board and the other is the peripheral control board. The two boards are connected by FCC10_1.0 cable, and the cable definition is: 5V PPWM2 PPWM1 P
Let’s talk about the advantages and popularization trends of LED fluorescent lamps.
1. The production threshold of LED fluorescent tubes is relatively low. There are a wide variety of ready-made acces
I use ACLK as the timer clock source, in up-counting mode, to output PWM to control the LED brightness, but the actual output PWM is unstable, and the oscilloscope shows that the period and duty cycle