If I am simulating I2C, and the speed is planned to be 100Kbit/S, then corresponding to a binary bit of data, the delay time is 10us, so when I artificially pull up and down SCL, do I have to keep the
On the morning of October 22, the unveiling ceremony of Nanjing Integrated Circuit University and the high-end forum on industrial talent training were held in the new district. Liu Yian, Chairman of
[font=微软雅黑][size=4]Dedication: ARM Cortex-M0 LPC1114 Getting Started Manual[/size][/font] [align=left][font=Tahoma,][size=3]Chapter 1 Introduction[/size][/font][/align][align=left][font=Tahoma,][size=
Where should I call WSAStartup and WSAClearup? Should I call WSAStartup once for each thread when it enters and once for each thread when it exits, or should I call WSAStartup and WSAClearup once in t
The ADS1261 driver on the official website uses the relatively old TIVA driver code architecture, and does not provide a complete project. There are also some minor bugs. This article will explain how