• Duration:1 minutes and 45 seconds
  • Date:2024/11/13
  • Uploader:272151979

The life of the titanium wire drive itself is quite good, and it can generally be used at least hundreds of thousands to millions of times. The natural physical properties of titanium wire also determine that its stability and life must be better than traditional motor electromagnetic power sources.

Due to the current limited application of titanium wire and insufficient understanding of titanium wire, most titanium wire-driven products exhibit instability, short lifespan, slow response, difficulty in unlocking or locking, inconsistent performance, easy burning, and insufficient power. Engineers are then caught in the situation of repeatedly modifying designs, molds, and production processes. Many people have questioned the reliability of titanium wire applications. Today, we will discuss these common problems from the perspective of industrial applications.

The content of this subject involves: industrial design, mechanical design, electronic engineering technology, software control technology, and industrial production.

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