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  • Duration:4 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2024/07/28
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: computer
This video is mainly for the following groups:

1. Beginners who want to learn embedded systems without any basic knowledge

2. Students majoring in computer science want to learn about computer architecture in detail

3. Students preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination review the principles of computer composition

After completing this course, you will gain:

a clear understanding of computer architecture, the ability to design and build computers by yourself, and an understanding of CPU, memory, data bus, assembly language, and compiler.

Explanation method:

This course uses a combination of theory and practice to help students systematically master computer architecture and computer composition principles, laying a solid foundation for embedded learning

Course highlights:

1. Make a computer by yourself,

2. Implement your own CPU, memory data bus

3. Implement your own assembly language and compiler

4. In-depth understanding of computer architecture and composition principles
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