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  • [Android Development Video Tutorial] Project Function Analysis (27)
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  • Duration:20 minutes and 12 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: Android Activity
; One-day tour of Android platform (01)
; Building Android development environment (02)
; say_hello_to_Android (03)
; Activity preliminary (04)
; Activity and Intent (05)
; Common controls in Android (06)
; Activity life cycle (1 ) (07)
; Activity life cycle (2) (08)
; Activity layout preliminary (1) (09)
; Activity layout preliminary (2) (10)
; Activity layout preliminary (3) (11)
; Android common controls (2) (12)
; Common controls (3) (13)
; Use of Handler (1) (14)
; Use of Handler (2) (15)
; How to use SQLite (16)
; Debugging program (17)
; Files Download (18)
; ContentProvider preliminary (19)
; XML file parsing (20)
; Broadcast mechanism (1) (21)
; Broadcast mechanism (2) (22)
; WIFI network operation (23)
; Socket programming (24)
; Service Preliminary (1) (25)
; Project function analysis (27)
; Project detailed design (28)
; Code writing (1) (Part 1) (29)
; Code writing (1) (29)
; Code writing (2) ( 30)
; Code writing (3) (31)
; Code writing (4) (32)
; (Special) Linux environment construction
; Code writing (5) (33)
; Code writing (6) (34)
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