Dear experts, I am going to make a PCB board recently, BGA package, 5*5mm, ball center spacing 0.5mm, the pad diameter in the package file is 11mil, I need to use some pads as shown in red, can I dire
This is a subroutine for a matrix keyboard I wrote, and I don't know where I went wrong.
Please help me.
void keyscan() { uchar h,l,temp; DDRD=0xf0; PORTD=0x0f; h=PIND0x0f;//rowif (h!=0x0f) { delay(10
As an asynchronous dual-port SRAM, we take Cypress's [url=]CY7C019[/url] as an example. The internal block diagram of [url=
PIC Timer Usage
Using the timer gate timing mode1Configure the timer bit gate mode
2 Set interrupt priority, enable interrupt, andclear flag bit3. When the timer uses the peripheral pin, configure the