Current measurement is widely used in circuit design, and the main fields are divided into three categories: in measurement, electric meters are used to measure current; in protection, current often h
I am currently working on a wireless data acquisition system, using DS18B20 to implement temperature acquisition, micrf102/007 as the RF transceiver chip, and simplex communication. [] Someone
It seems that many netizens are confused about the concepts of sink current and source current. Let me explain this below. I hope that you will not be troubled by this after reading this article. An i
Use SQLCE to remotely connect to the SQL2000 database server on WINCE6. Two sample codes. The first one demonstrates the ISSCERDA->SubmitSQL method. Parameter configuration: _T("
Beginner bicycles, learning to ride a bicycle is a gradual process, and it is not easy to master the essentials right from the start. So we have this beginner bicycle that we introduce to you today. A