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  • Neural Architecture Search
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  • Duration:1 hours and 12 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2024/02/28
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: tinyML
Have you found it difficult to deploy neural networks on mobile devices and IoT devices? Have you ever found it too slow to train neural networks? This course is a deep dive into efficient machine learning techniques that enable powerful deep learning applications on resource-constrained devices. Topics cover efficient inference techniques, including model compression, pruning, quantization, neural architecture search, and distillation; and efficient training techniques, including gradient compression and on-device transfer learning; followed by application-specific model optimization techniques for videos, point cloud, and NLP; and efficient quantum machine learning. Students will get hands-on experience implementing deep learning applications on microcontrollers, mobile phones, and quantum machines with an open-ended design project related to mobile AI.

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