Home > Control Circuits > Homemade electric curtain remote control device circuit diagram

Homemade electric curtain remote control device circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: Electric curtains circuit diagram device circuit remote control device Updated: 2020/09/27

I once purchased a remote-controlled electric curtain . The original control part used an infrared remote control. Its remote control range was limited and it was inconvenient to use. For this reason, it was modified and a wireless remote control was used to replace the original control part. The effect was very good after use. The circuit principle of the electric curtain is introduced below for readers' reference.

Working Principle The transmitting/receiving part of this device uses the T966/T988 multi-channel wireless transmitting and receiving module. The transmitting part adopts the finished T966 two-button transmitter. The working principle of the receiving part is shown in the figure:

Homemade electric curtain<strong><strong>Remote control device</strong></strong><strong><strong>Circuit diagram</strong></strong>.jpg
Homemade electric curtain remote control device circuit

When the power is turned on, IC3 is reset, Q (pin ①) and Q (pin 11) output low level, T1 and T2 are cut off, J1 and J2 do not pull in, motor M does not work, and the curtain stops. Press the remote control transmitting key C. At this time, the C terminal of IC1 outputs a high level, and the transmitter VD1 is cut off. The high level output by the Io terminal is sent to the CK (③ pin) terminal of IC3A through IC2A and IC2B shaping, causing the Q (① pin) ) flips the output to high level, T1 is turned on, J1 is closed, the motor rotates forward, and the curtain is closed. If the launch key C is pressed again, Q (pin ①) will flip and output low level again, J1 will be released, and the curtain will stop moving. If the transmitter key D is pressed while the motor is rotating forward and the curtain is closing, VD2 will also be cut off, and the high level output by the Io terminal will be sent to the CK (pin 11) terminal of IC3B through IC2C and IC2D shaping, and will cause the IC3A's terminal to pass through VD3. The R terminal presents a high level, IC3A is forced to reset, and J1 is released. At the same time, Q (pin 13) flips and outputs high level, T2 is turned on, J2 is closed, the motor is reversed, and the curtain is opened. Press the D key again, Q (pin 11) will flip and output low level again, and the curtain will stop moving. In this way, the curtains can be opened, closed, and stopped at will with two buttons, which is very convenient.

The component selection and production component list is shown in the table below:





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