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  • 009 Analog-to-digital conversion (A/D) working principle and application Yunlong MCU practical training video tutorial (Wang Yun, subtitled version)
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  • Duration:43 minutes and 0 seconds
  • Date:2023/08/05
  • Uploader:maiya123
The video tutorial explains the entire process of microcontroller development from a development perspective; the principle part explains from the most basic understanding of electronic components, how the circuit works and how to design the circuit; the programming part starts from scratch and tells the basics of the C language How knowledge and C language are related to actual circuits. Every statement must be input word by word on the computer, code written on the spot, debugging the program on the spot, and relevant knowledge points explained in a timely manner; in this process, everyone can slowly accumulate and transform The ability to identify and solve problems for oneself. No matter what your foundation is, as long as you read and listen carefully, you are guaranteed to learn microcontrollers and C language.

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