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  • AURIX™ Open Course Lecture 17-Capture_Comparison Unit 6 CCU6(1)
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  • Duration:14 minutes and 34 seconds
  • Date:2023/07/29
  • Uploader:JFET
keywords: Microcontroller

AURIX™ is Infineon's new microcontroller family, designed to meet the automotive industry's controller performance and safety requirements. This tutorial introduces the connotation, highlights, application areas, products and development kits, tool chains, application cases and references of AURIX™ microcontrollers, so that readers can quickly grasp the overall overview of AURIX™ microcontrollers. Questions and answers for this lesson: 1 What is the actual meaning of AURIX™? 2 What are the main highlights of AURIX™ microcontroller? Briefly describe your understanding of these highlights. 3 What is a hardware security module HSM? Why use a hardware security module? 4. Regarding AURIX™ Safety, list what you know? 5 List the main applications of AURIX™ microcontrollers that you know? 6 What does the iLLD toolkit do? 7 Sort out the development tool chain of AURIX™ microcontroller according to the classification of compiler, debugger, development environment, auxiliary tools, etc.? 8 What are the main reference materials for AURIX™ microcontrollers? Describe the functions of each?

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