This course is the Linux C application development in the series of courses that Punctual Atomic teaches you step by step about Linux. The supporting development board for this course is the Punctual Atomic I.MX6/STM32MP157 development board.
[p=35, null, left][color=#555555]The task state machine in TI's official routine code is used to handle a variety of non-loop control tasks. This state machine programming is useful for multi-task man
int main(void){// disable JTAG port DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0;// 3.2 initialization TRISB = 0; // all PORTA as output T1CON = 0x8030; // TMR1 on, prescale 1:256 PB// 3.3 the main loop while( 1) { // 3.3.1