This course is the Linux C application development in the series of courses that Punctual Atomic teaches you step by step about Linux. The supporting development board for this course is the Punctual Atomic I.MX6/STM32MP157 development board.
After adding pi, the open loop transfer function is: num=[-10.3*kp (9.3*kp-10.3*ki) 2e6*kp 2e6*ki]; den=[0.264 2.64 0 0] Do I need to draw a graph or do a calculation? I see that some places draw step
Tantalum Capacitor Introduction
The full name of tantalum capacitor is tantalum electrolytic capacitor (also called tantalum capacitor). It is a type of electrolytic capacitor. It uses metal tantalum
The frequency converter is a device that converts the industrial frequency power supply (50Hz or 60Hz) into AC power supply of various frequencies to realize the variable speed operation of the motor.
1. Task Requirements
The timer B of the MSP30F247 microcontroller is used to generate 8 periodic signals with periods of 4S, 2S, 1S, 0.5, 0.25S, 0.125S, 0.0625S, and 0.03125S. The eight periodic signa
Hello everyone, this is the ds waveform of the single-ended forward switching power supply MOS tube. I want to know
(1) How is the T1T2T3 waveform generated?
(2) There is oscillation in T1, which cann