Today I made a circuit: The transformer has a positive and negative AC 12V input, and a rectifier bridge is connected. If you calculate, you will get a DC voltage of about 30V; Then connect three volt
Evaluation: STM32F769I-DISCO connected to Gizwits Cloud to realize IoT development remote control and other functionsAbstract: This article mainly describes how to use STM32F769I-DISCO to connect to G
Recently, I tested a mature motherboard. The input signal of CPLD was 60M/8192=7.324kHZ, the clock of CPLD was 60MHZ, and the test output was 7.5M+7.324k. In CPLD, the main clock was divided by 8 and
I made an electronic clock. Why is it flashing? It seems like the voltage is unstable. I don't see this phenomenon on the bus! I don't know what's going on? ? ?
I am debugging the camera driver. I am using the camera driver framework written by Marvell for Microsoft. I can already read and write registers of the ov2655 chip. When I run the camera application,