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  • Duration:48 seconds
  • Date:2013/09/09
  • Uploader:chenyy
The Arm Mali Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is the number one shipping GPU in the world. In 2016, more than a billion Mali GPUs were shipped by Arm partners in a wide range of devices from the newest premium range smartphones to the latest low- power wearables. Mali is not only the most popular, but also the most scalable GPU in the world. The Mali family includes the High Performance GPU roadmap which is designed specifically to bring the highest levels of performance to premium devices with a particular emphasis on maintaining energy efficiency. In addition, the High Area Efficiency GPU roadmap focuses on delivering high quality graphics within the smallest possible area, and the Ultra-Low Power roadmap offers high quality graphics within an extremely low power budget for extended device battery-life. Mali

Video processors provide advanced video technology combined with power-efficiency and one of the smallest chip sizes in the market to offer creators of mass market mobile devices support for a wide range of video technologies. Designed to scale from 1080p60 on a single core to 4k120 on the full eight cores, all variations offer stunning HD visual quality to end users.

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