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  • Duration:12 minutes and 56 seconds
  • Date:2022/07/26
  • Uploader:hi5
STMicroelectronics is actively deploying third-generation wide-bandgap semiconductor technology, under which SiC and GaN products and technology portfolios are the most extensive, including discrete devices, module combinations and wafer dies, enabling extremely efficient and compact system designs to meet the needs of Future demand for high-quality products such as sustainable development and green energy. Compared with traditional silicon devices, SiC products' higher voltage and frequency performance enable higher system efficiency, faster switching, lower losses, and better thermal management, providing new opportunities for electric vehicles (EVs), solar energy Revolutionary advances in inverters, energy storage, industrial motor drives and power supplies. Now it is fully engaged in the research and development of silicon-based gallium nitride, striving to make further progress in intelligent power integration.
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