Home > Power Circuits > Circuit diagram of a voltage doubler rectifier electronic ballast

Circuit diagram of a voltage doubler rectifier electronic ballast

Source: InternetPublisher:supremeOne Keywords: Electronic ballast circuit diagram voltage doubler rectifier Updated: 2021/12/12

This type of electronic ballast is rare and very popular in the late 1990s due to its low cost!

Its main features are:

1. It has good low-temperature and low-voltage starting performance and can work reliably at ambient temperatures between -20°C and -50°C. When the power supply voltage is 150°/FONT>160V, it can ignite the fluorescent lamp in one start.

2. Significant power saving. Compared with traditional magnetic ballasts, under the same illumination, it can save 20% to 25% of power.

3. The impedance of this ballast is capacitive and has a compensation effect on the power grid. The power factor is >0.9.

4. Bad tubes can be restored to sight. The old lamp tube can still be used if one side of its filament is burned out or one of the tubes is blackened.

5. After removing the starter, the original four-wire output is changed to a two-wire output, so it is easy to install and maintain. It is very suitable for high-altitude and embedded places where maintenance is inconvenient.

6. It lights up as soon as it is turned on, no flicker, no noise, no jitter, soft light, and protects eyesight.

7. Wide application range, applicable to all kinds of fluorescent tubes.

C1 to C4 and VDl to VD4 in the circuit mainly play the role of voltage doubling and rectification . Their capacitance should not be too large, which will easily overheat the output power line; if the capacity is too small, the brightness of the fluorescent lamp will not be enough. Therefore, do not change the capacitance of C1 and C4 at will. Resistors R 1 and R2 provide discharge current loops for capacitors C1, C2 and C3, C4 respectively.





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