rt, it seems that the withstand voltage and maximum current of digital resistors are not too large. Is it feasible to do this? Can I use a digital resistor to control a small thyristor first, and then
Data memory and program memory experiment Experimental purpose: Understand the structure of DSP internal data memory and program memory Understand several addressing methods of DSP instructions Experi
[align=center][/align] [align=left][color=rgb(51, 51, 51)][font=-apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, "][size=17px]According to gossips from Weibo netizens, a senior engineer at SF Technology Data C
The following two pictures are the VGS(th) parameters of the MOS tube IRF530N. The first picture shows that the turn-on voltage VGS(th) ranges from 2 to 4V under the test conditions of VDS=VGS and ID=
ADI Award-winning Live Broadcast: Voltage Reference Product Technology and Application SelectionJuly 25th 10:00-11:30 am Don't miss it~Click here to register for the live broadcastLive broadcast time:
Seeing that domestic chips are very popular recently, I am reposting an article posted by the public account: Hardware 100,000 Whys.
Are domestic chips really like what the article says?The root cause