[i=s]This post was last edited by freeelectron on 2022-4-19 17:31[/i]1. Introduction
This article uses AT32F425 to drive RC522 to test the rate of SPI1. For detailed code operation of RC522, please re
First, download various documents related to GD32L233C-START from GigaDevice's official website http://www.gd32mcu.com/cn/download/0?kw=GD32L2 or EEWORLD https://www.eeworld.com.cn/huodong/GigaDevice_
[align=left][font=Hiragino Sans GB]Before learning embedded systems, we need to understand what embedded systems are. [/font][/align][align=left][font=Hiragino Sans GB](Official statement) An embedded
[size=4]1. Common object operations: In addition to the common function keys of general windows. [/size] [size=4]1. !dir can view the files in the current working directory. !dir& can view in DOS mode