• Duration:3 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2021/11/09
  • Uploader:EE大学堂
keywords: Gizwits Cloud ECE

This tutorial is used in conjunction with the ECE firmware development kit and a demo tutorial to teach you how to develop ECE.

About ECE fog computing

Fog computing can be understood as device-side computing, which can help cloud computing solve some data computing needs that it cannot solve. For example, a device that requires collecting sensors 50 times a second cannot transmit data to the cloud in real time for processing. It is more suitable for The device performs necessary data calculations and transmits the processing results to the cloud, or the module directly converts the data analysis results into actions for the device to improve real-time performance. Gizwits ECE fog computing mainly interfaces with communication modules and mobile phones for smart devices. It adopts a combination of compiled language (C language) and analytical language (Lua), and uses analytical scripts to configure the adaptation strategy in the cloud. , after configuration, it is sent to the module or mobile phone through push. After the device receives the new configuration policy, it will be executed immediately; the configuration policy is responsible for adapting the transport layer protocol adaptation, business layer protocol adaptation, data calculation method, etc.

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