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  • ArchitectureofDigitalProcessor
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  • Duration:1 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2021/09/26
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
Integrated circuits (ICs) have long been ubiquitous, and the vast majority of them are digital ICs. This course allows you to learn the transistor-level basic units, modules and simple system analysis methods of digital ICs, and have preliminary digital IC design capabilities.

This course mainly teaches the analysis and design of digital integrated circuits from the transistor level and circuit level. Focusing on CMOS integrated circuits, starting from a review of basic integrated circuit devices, it describes CMOS inverters, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuit analysis and design, arithmetic operation logic functional components, interconnection line models and interconnection line parasitics, and This article introduces commonly used digital integrated circuit design methods and processes, focusing on various circuit types of basic units of digital integrated circuits, analyzing and designing optimization from the aspects of circuit structure principles, area, speed, power consumption, etc.
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