• Duration:11 minutes and 6 seconds
  • Date:2021/08/30
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: Machine Vision MyRIO
NI myRIO is an embedded development platform designed for students to help them complete "real engineering system design" in one semester. NI myRIO supports the 667 MHz dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 programmable processor and customizable field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), allowing students to quickly develop systems and solve complex design problems. All of this can be achieved with the compact and convenient NI myRIO.

NI myRIO is a reconfigurable and reusable teaching tool that helps students learn many engineering concepts and complete design projects. Through real-time applications, FPGAs, and built-in WiFi capabilities, students can deploy applications remotely and operate "headless" (no remote computer connection required). Three connection ports (two MXP and one MSP port identical to the NI myDAQ interface) are responsible for sending and receiving signals from sensors and circuits to support the system built by the students. There are 40 digital I/O lines supporting SPI, PWM output, quadrature encoder input, UART and I2C, as well as 8 single-ended analog inputs, 2 differential analog inputs, 4 single-ended analog outputs and 2 to ground Reference analog output facilitates connection of various sensors and peripheral devices through programming control. All these functions are already preset in the default FPGA configuration, helping students to start working on real projects immediately - such as wirelessly controlling smart cars or designing embedded biomedical electrical equipment.
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