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Inverter drive circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:失踪的猫 Keywords: Inverter drive circuit BSP Updated: 2021/01/29

68.<strong>Inverter</strong>’s<strong>Drive Circuit</strong>.gif

Inverter drive circuit

Shown is the drive circuit of the inverter , which mainly consists of a complementary push-pull output circuit (composed of two transistors with different polarities) Q3, field effect transistor Q2, inductor LJ, diodes Dl, D2, etc.     It can be seen from the figure that the PWM pulse signal output by the ⑩ pin of the control chip IC2 is buffered and amplified by Q3 and then excites Q2, and Q2 works in the switching state. Q2, Ll, Dl, and D2 form a filtered step-down switching circuit. When Q2 is turned on, +14 V supplies power to Ll and the suffix load. The current in Ll cannot disappear immediately. Due to its self-inductance, its voltage response is reversed. rotation; the energy stored in Ll will supply power to the load through the freewheeling diode . When the switching frequency is constant , the length of Q2 conduction time determines the level of the output voltage.




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