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  • Duration:4 minutes and 12 seconds
  • Date:2021/03/28
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: Architecture
"Computer System Structure" is the core professional course of the first-level discipline of Computer Science and Technology. It has the characteristics of abstract content, rapid content development and changes, rapid changes in knowledge structure, and close integration with technical engineering. In the series of courses of Computer Science and Technology disciplines, It plays an important role in cultivating students' level and quality. The course emphasizes the study of computer systems from the perspective of "overall structure and quantitative analysis", and masters the basic concepts and development history of computer architecture, quantitative analysis methods of computer system performance, design methods of typical instruction systems, architecture and performance optimization methods of instruction pipelines, Storage hierarchy, Cache design and performance optimization methods, understand the input and output system performance and reliability optimization methods, multi-processor system and cluster system architecture, key technologies and main influencing factors of the current mainstream new computer architecture, etc. Discuss in detail the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, design methods and research methods of computer system structure. The course focuses on deepening students' cognitive ability of the "overall system", effectively enhancing students' computer system design, optimization, and evaluation capabilities, and emphasizing the core concepts of balanced and compromised system design and quantitative thinking methods. The main teaching content of the course pays equal attention to the basics and advanced aspects, echoing the characteristics of complex engineering problems. By mastering the thinking methods of analyzing problems, establishing abstract models, model analysis and optimization, students are trained to have the ability to build complex computer system engineering processes.

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