Home > Audio/Video Circuits > Application circuit of TDA1514A

Application circuit of TDA1514A

Source: InternetPublisher:张小哥 Keywords: Application circuit A15 BSP Updated: 2021/05/31

65.<strong>Application circuit of TD<strong>A15</strong>14A.gif

It is its typical application circuit . R2 and R3 are feedback circuits. By adjusting their ratio,
the closed-loop gain of the circuit can be adjusted. In order to improve the dynamic range of the circuit, C5, R5, and R form a bootstrap circuit. The startup noise suppression of
    TD A15 14A is achieved through capacitor Q. At the moment of power-on, the voltage
across the capacitor C cannot change suddenly, so one V of the power supply is sent to pin 3 without loss, forcing the silent switch circuit in the circuit to operate, so that the power-on noise
is suppressed. As the capacitor C4 is charged, when the voltage across it rises to a value of V, the voltage at pin 3 drops to 0, forcing the silent switch connected to pin 3
to automatically release, and the amplifier's power amplifier function is normally realized. Resistor R is designed for safe area protection
. Under normal circumstances, the quiescent current of pin 2 is microampere level.




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