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  • DC generator 2
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  • Duration:25 minutes and 7 seconds
  • Date:2021/03/20
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: Motor transformer
"Electrical Engineering" at North China Electric Power University is a major professional basic course in the electrical engineering discipline. It is highly theoretical and closely related to engineering practice. This course takes four typical motors: transformers, synchronous motors, asynchronous motors, and DC motors as the learning objects. The content covers: the basic structure, working principle and operating characteristics of the motor; the basic electromagnetic relations and basic analysis methods of the motor, including: electromotive force equation, magnetic motion Potential balance relationship, power and torque balance equations, equivalent circuits, phasor diagrams; properties of electromotive force and magnetomotive force of motors and their relationship with time and space; basic experimental methods of motors. Through the study of this course, you can master the basic theory and basic analysis methods of electric motors, laying a solid foundation for further studying professional courses and engaging in professional work.

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