• Duration:46 minutes and 14 seconds
  • Date:2021/02/16
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: Frequency Converter
 This course is a high-quality teaching video on the principles and applications of inverters taught by Professor Li Jiusheng of Harbin Institute of Technology. The complete course has a total of 36 hours.
The main circuit of the frequency converter is the power conversion part that provides voltage-regulated and frequency-modulated power to the asynchronous motor. The main circuit of the frequency converter can be roughly divided into two categories. The voltage type is a frequency converter that converts the DC of the voltage source into AC, and the filter of the DC circuit. It's a capacitor. The current type is an inverter that converts DC from a current source into AC, and its DC loop filter is an inductor. It consists of three parts: the "rectifier" that converts industrial frequency power into DC power, the "smoothing circuit" that absorbs the voltage pulsations generated in the converter and inverter, and the "inverter" that converts DC power into AC power. Transformer".
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