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  • Duration:16 minutes and 49 seconds
  • Date:2021/01/31
  • Uploader:F凡亿教育
keywords: Cadence

Cadence Allegro 16.6 -4-layer quad HDMI circuit

This set of tutorials uses the new version of Cadence Allegro 16.6 to explain it in stages. From the creation of schematic libraries, schematics, PCB libraries to the layout and routing of PCB design, the whole process is explained and communicated with everyone. How to draw each device? How is it placed? How to pull each wire? What are the power cords? What are signal lines? These will be explained in detail one by one, and novices can generally do it themselves after reading it once. The entire process from scratch is explained clearly, so that as a novice, you can really learn something.

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