• Duration:20 minutes and 21 seconds
  • Date:2020/07/22
  • Uploader:hi5
keywords: Infineon Weikeng
In order to prevent hackers from using IOT devices as entrances to invade the IoT cloud platform and thereby attack the platform, the uniqueness of the IOT device identity is an essential condition. Infineon’s new OPTIGA™ Trust M solution helps IoT device manufacturers connect to cloud computing services to enhance the security of their products while improving system performance. Provides an anchor of trust for connecting IoT devices to the cloud, giving each IoT device its own unique identity. This pre-personalized, turnkey solution delivers the secure zero-touch boot capabilities and high-performance required for rapid access to the cloud. Embedded system designers can rely on Infineon’s OPTIGA™ family of security solutions to protect information and devices. Confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.
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