• Duration:1 hours and 29 minutes and 10 seconds
  • Date:2020/06/03
  • Uploader:EE大学堂
The content covered is as follows:
Introduction to portable refrigerator system
Non-inductive FOC portable refrigerator application solution based on MM32SPIN series MCU

Features of MM32SPIN series MCU sensorless FOC platform

Solution Features
Fingerprint unboxing
LCD display
Built-in lithium battery
Silent operation
Temperature setting

solution specifications
Motor control chip MM32SPIN05 runs at 72MHz
Fingerprint control chip MM32F103 runs at 144MHz
Support lithium battery 24\36 power supply, support 220v high voltage power supply
Output function supports 240w, 360w
supports sensor , non-inductive FOC mode,
first-level energy efficiency mode,
ultra-quiet startup mode

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