• Duration:57 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2020/05/23
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: CAN CCD Wireless debugging
1. Introduction to K60
2.1, Installation of IAR and JLINK
2.2, New IAR project
2.3, IAR usage skills
2.4, SourceInsight installation and usage instructions
3. How to find information in the K60 user manual 4. Explanation
of important knowledge points
5. PORT (port attributes and interrupt) GPIO (running light and key scanning)
6. Serial communication UART I2C SPI
7. ADC and DAC
8. FTMPWM input capture orthogonal encoding
9. Timer PIT LPTMR SysTick
10. DMA camera acquisition
11. Storage module FLASHSDHC
12. flexbus_8080 protocol drives LCD
13. CAN loopback test
14. USB virtual serial port
15. FX&DN overclocking test
16. Play with camera and electromagnetic induction
17. Play with linear CCD (comparison of acquisition effects of original signal, amplified signal and exposure time)
18. LCD Play with the laser counter at will
19. Play with the camera of the wireless debugger (camera wireless transmission, wireless debugging variables)
20. Play with the remote control car of the wireless debugger (one-click driving, one-click parking, switch image transmission, etc.)
21. Play with the linear CCD of wireless debugger
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