I used cpld to make two boards, one AD, serial-to-parallel conversion to transmit data, and one receiving data. But the received data is always a little inaccurate. Later I found that the reason is th
Dear experts, I want to perform A/D conversion on the circuit after sine wave rectification, so I built a peak detection circuit, but the result is not what I want. When I increase the amplitude of th
[i=s] This post was last edited by kingdjh on 2018-5-7 13:16 [/i]For the system shown in the figure, I would like to consult the power supply solution for the converter board. One more question, what
I played basketball with a bunch of guys from the Physical Education Department. We played half-court basketball. I played two games in one afternoon and my legs were cramping. I basically had no touc
Today's cortex-m0 results have been shared in the group. You can take a look. It's not finished yet, I'll continue tomorrow. [[i] This post was last edited by wangkj on 2010-5-25 15:17 [/i]]