This course provides an in-depth understanding of the knowledge points of Huawei's HCNA certification exam. The course includes: basic principles of data communication, IP address planning and design, basic VRP operations, etc.
With the upgrade of micropython, the community has also updated the PYBCN_V2 and PYBNANO_V2 firmware. Please go to the firmware section to download the update. [list] [*][b]github [/b][url=https://git
Using C++ to write an IIR filter
We first need to design an IIR filter in MATLAB and generate a header file that reflects the frequency response characteristics of the IIR filter.Theoretical support
Microchip will host a webinar on Tuesday, June 29, titled “Designing Energy-Efficient Solutions for Your IoT Sensors.”When designing a battery-powered application, one of the most difficult tasks is t
IntroductionCloud computing is undergoing a major transformation as more and more devices enter the market and drive exponential growth in cloud data. With the increasing number of "hyperscale" cloud
11月20日消息,据国外媒体报道称,在更先进制程芯片代工上,台积电现在遥遥领先,也难怪他们会喊出华为永远追不上我们的言乱(台积电董事长刘德音公开表示,华为不可能追上台积电。)。 报道中提到,台积电的2nm虽然还没有量产,按首批产能已经被苹果预定。 按照苹果的规划,其将采用台积电2nm操刀iPhone 17 Pro 和17 Pro Max芯片,而一同推出的iPhone 17 A...