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  • Duration:20 minutes and 47 seconds
  • Date:2020/01/04
  • Uploader:Lemontree
"Digital Large Scale Integrated Circuit" is a basic course for graduate students in microelectronics that teaches the basic theory and knowledge of digital large scale integrated circuits. It is not only a core course for students majoring in microelectronics, but also a basic course for students majoring in power supply to learn digital integrated circuit design. The course focuses on nanometer and deep submicron CMOS process conditions, digital circuit principles and design techniques at the system level integration level, including the characteristics and models of devices and interconnect lines, key indicators and optimization methods of digital VLSI, and common logic Type, basic functional units, working principles and design methods of important on-chip subsystems (clock, power network), etc. By studying this course, you can understand how to use MOS tubes to implement complex digital chips, what are the differences between real digital integrated circuits and ideal digital circuits, and the speed, power consumption, robustness, cost, etc. of the chip. What factors are related to the characteristics and how to optimize them.
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