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  • I2C interface technology
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  • Duration:18 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2019/12/15
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: ARM Embedded RTOS
This course is a core basic course for the electronic information science and technology major and an introductory course for electronic system design and integrated circuit application development. This course mainly includes an overview of embedded systems, ARM Cortex processor architecture, software and hardware development environment, basic internal hardware modules GPIO/timer/PWM/ADC modules, general peripheral communication interface UART/I2C/SPI interface, TCP/IP network Protocols and their implementation, internal mechanisms of embedded operating systems and their transplantation, SoPC heterogeneous embedded design, etc. Through the study of this course, students can master the concepts of embedded systems and their development methods, and be able to use the content they have learned to develop and design embedded systems. This course covers a wide range of subjects, embodying the basic knowledge and comprehensive application of three or four courses in the electronics discipline, including analog circuits, digital circuits and software fundamentals, and has high requirements for students' practical abilities. In teaching, we highlight the characteristics of equal emphasis on theory and experiment, allowing students to master and digest knowledge in the continuous cycle of theory and practice.

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