Dear seniors, I would like to ask a question. When I was designing the drive circuit for Infineon's IGBT module, I did not figure out the problem of high voltage insulation. The IGBT is a 1200V/75A si
I want to read data from a barcode scanner connected to a USB port. I found its physical device name in its device manager as \Device\USBPDO-10. However, I used hDevice = CreateFile(TEXT("\\\\.\\Devic
I wrote 4 sets of data into AT24C64, writing 8 bytes continuously each time. As a result, the first three sets of data were correct, but the fourth set of data was read out differently than when it wa
GPIO Port Overview TMS320VC5510 provides 8 dedicated general purpose input/output pins IO0~IO7. The direction of each pin can be independently configured by the I/O direction register IODIR. The input
1. Tasks are divided into single execution, periodic execution, and event-triggered tasks. A detailed introduction to the three categories. 2. Principles and methods for allocating priorities in tasks
I'm currently copying a board, and I don't know what this chip is, and I can't find it online. Can anyone with experience tell me what this is?
There is also a 12-pin square chip model BSV 8CK A15F[[i